After a childhood- and young adulthood that weren't very promising—including an arrest for shoplifting, being suspended from high school for fighting, and a period of homelessness during which he lived in his car—actor Jonathan Majors seemed to be living out the ultimate American dream. Not only did he later earn a college degree and go on to study drama at Yale, he landed himself one of the most high-profile and lucrative gigs in the film industry: as a Marvel Cinematic Universe character. For an up-and-coming actor with a dodgy past, this is about as incredible as it gets.
Until March 2023, that is.
On that day, Majors's life changed dramatically once again, but this time for the worse, leading to a conviction for domestic violence—and a devastating domino effect on his once-promising career. Now, additional accusers are coming forward and complicating the actor's future even further.
Are you weathering tough times due to a poor decision? Whatever's in your past that's negatively affecting your life; the Lento Law Firm Criminal Defense Team can help you get through it and get past it. To learn how dial 888.535.3686 or click here.
Jonathan Majors and Grace Jabbari
Majors's primary troubles stem from an incident in March 2023, when he argued with then-girlfriend Grace Jabbari about texts from other women that the latter had found on the former's phone. Although Majors would call 911 in an attempt to divert suspicion from himself, claiming that he came upon an unconscious Jabbari and was afraid that she may have been trying to die by suicide, it later emerged that the pair had become embroiled in a confrontation while riding in a limo.
Jabbari claimed that Majors had hit her in the face with an open hand (leaving a laceration behind her ear), bruised her finger, and put his hands around her neck while in the vehicle. Later, she would change her account and say that the actor had pushed her up against the vehicle in a violent fashion.
Majors would later accuse Jabbari of physical violence, as well, claiming that she instigated the physical fight. The Manhattan District Attorney's office, however, ultimately declined to prosecute Jabbari. It had already charged Majors with several misdemeanor counts of domestic violence.
Conviction and Post-Conviction Accusations
Majors stood trial in December 2023. The jury heard conflicting testimony and saw conflicting evidence but nevertheless found the Creed III actor guilty of assault in the third degree and harassment in the second degree.
Majors could face up to a year in jail, but his punishment remains to be seen, as the sentencing, originally planned for February 2024, has been pushed back to April 8.
Since the attack on Jabbari, however, several other women have come forward to claim that they, too, suffered abuse at Majors's hands. Maura Hooper claimed that he was emotionally and verbally abusive, while Emma Duncan alleges the same but adds in accusations of physical abuse, including choking, as well.
Reports of poor on-set behavior have also surfaced. Actors and other industry professionals who worked on HBO's Lovecraft Country alongside Majors complained about his untoward, overly aggressive, and inappropriately sexual acts and attitude. After taking their complaints to the network, HBO asked Majors to apologize. Witnesses reported that he did so but without much conviction or contrition.
He Said, She Said?
Majors has denied the allegations by Hooper and Duncan, as well as those made during the filming of Lovecraft Country. No charges have been filed in these cases, either.
For many people, however, serious consequences can result from rumors and accusations independent of actual charges. If you are charged, it's imperative that you secure the services of the Lento Law Firm Criminal Defense Team as soon as possible. They can work with you to mitigate all the possible damage you and your reputation are facing. Call 888.535.3686 or click here to tell us about your case.
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