The United States Constitution grants us the right to bear arms in the Second Amendment. However, we must abide by a series of state laws in order to lawfully carry guns and other weapons in the state of New Jersey. Gun laws can be complex. A simple mistake could result in a responsible gun owner facing criminal charges. The help of an experienced attorney can make a key difference in navigating a criminal firearms case. If you or someone you love is facing a firearms charge in Gloucester County, experienced criminal defense attorney Joseph D. Lento will be in your corner.
Gloucester County Guns Crimes
Penalties for gun/weapons offenses have a very wide range; there is a wide range of severity in the criminal offenses involving guns and weapons. The unique factors of your case will determine the severity of the penalty you may face. Your attorney can walk you through exactly what the nature of your charges mean, and what penalties could result from a conviction. Some common weapon offenses in Gloucester County include:
Possessing a Weapon for Criminal Purposes (2C:39-4)
Any individual discovered to possess a firearm, explosives, or destructive devices for illegal conduct will be charged with an offense of the second-degree. Any person who possesses a “community gun”, a gun used by multiple individuals to commit criminal acts will face offenses of the second-degree. This will carry a minimum of a three-year prison sentence.
Possession or Transportation of Firearms
New Jersey prohibits the possession or transport of a shotgun or rifle unless you have a valid firearms purchaser identification card (FPIC). In order to legally transport or possess a handgun, a valid New Jersey handgun permit is required.
Any individual in possession of a firearm who is simply passing through New Jersey must do so while following federal law, namely 18 U.S. Code § 926A. This law requires that the firearm is unloaded and is not “readily accessible” from the passenger area of the vehicle.
Possessing a Weapon Where Prohibited
Weapons all kinds are prohibited on the property of:
- educational locations such as schools and universities (such as Rowan University and Rowan College of South Jersey)
- all casino facilities and includes the casino security staff unless permission is obtained from the State Police.
Guns and weapons are prohibited on educational locations and casinos, even if the owner has a valid legal permit to have the weapon on other premises.
Gloucester County Gun Crimes Attorney
You may think that the state has a solid case against you and there's no point in fighting. Don't make this mistake! No matter what the evidence may be, an experienced criminal defense attorney can find weak points ripe for attack. Just as we have protections under the Second Amendment, we have protections under the Fourth Amendment and if the police didn't follow the proper procedure in performing an arrest, collecting evidence, or at any other point in the investigation, the case against you might crumble under attack. To learn how the Lento Law Firm can fight for you, call (888) 535-3686 today.