Criminal Defense Attorney in Upper Township, NJ
If you have been asked to appear in Upper Township Municipal Court, whether over a DWI, moving violation, or disorderly person offense, your best chance of a successful outcome is by hiring a New Jersey criminal defense attorney with expertise and experience in these types of cases. New Jersey criminal defense attorney Joseph D. Lento is highly experienced in municipal court cases and will work hard to get you the best possible outcome.
About Upper Township, New Jersey
Located on the northern end of Cape May County, Upper Township was incorporated in the 1790s among New Jersey's first 104 townships. With a population of only 12,000 people spread across more than 68 square miles, Upper Township offers its residents a mainly rural lifestyle with a diverse range of natural beauty, from the forests and marshlands to the Atlantic coast.
About Upper Township Municipal Court
Upper Township Municipal Court convenes at the Municipal Building in the unincorporated community of Petersburg. The court primarily handles disorderly person offenses, DWI, moving violations, and ordinance violations, while more serious indictable offenses are referred to Cape May County Superior Court in Middle Township. Under a shared services agreement, Upper Township Municipal Court also hears cases for nearby Dennis Township.
Court Location and Contact Information:
Upper Township Municipal Court
2100 Tuckahoe Road
Petersburg, NJ 08270
Phone: 609-628-2015
Fax: (609) 628-2091
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Municipal Court Administrator: Loren Ready
Do You Really Need an Attorney at Municipal Court?
You are not required to have an attorney represent you at Upper Township Municipal Court, but having one could significantly improve the outcome of your case. Unfortunately, some people downplay the importance of municipal court charges because they are typically minor offenses--but in New Jersey, even a conviction for a disorderly person's offense can result in jail time, fines, and a criminal record that could haunt you for years. Having a lawyer who understands the municipal court system can quite possibly help you stay out of jail, get lighter penalties, or have your charges dropped altogether. If you qualify, your attorney may also be able to help you get into a diversionary program like Pre-Trial Intervention that could help you avoid jail time and a criminal record.
The Lento Law Firm can help with all court-related matters at Upper Township Municipal Court, including, but not limited to:
- Moving violations
- Simple assault
- Criminal mischief
- Harassment
- Disorderly behavior
- Drug crimes
- Restraining orders
- Diversionary programs
- Indictable offenses
If you have been summoned to Upper Township Municipal Court, take action now to protect your future. Call the Lento Law Firm at 888-535-3686 today.