Criminal Defense Attorney in Buena Vista Township, NJ
Are you facing a summons to Buena Vista Regional Municipal Court over a disorderly persons offense, ordinance violation, or DWI? Having an outstanding attorney on your side can substantially enhance your chances of having the penalties decreased or the charges dismissed. Joseph D. Lento is a New Jersey criminal defense attorney with vast expertise assisting clients in Buena Vista Township and other New Jersey communities who need competent legal representation at municipal court.
About Buena Vista Township, New Jersey
Located in western Atlantic County, Buena Vista Township is a semi-rural community between Vineland and Hammonton, hosting a population of about 7200 people in a land area of over 40 square miles. Situated within the New Jersey Pinelands Natural Reserve, residents enjoy abundant natural surroundings and often unique wildlife sightings.
About Buena Vista Regional Municipal Court
As of January 2021, Buena Vista Regional Municipal Court has merged with Hammonton Municipal Court and currently convenes on Central Avenue in Hammonton. The Mays Landing Municipal Court hears traffic and misdemeanor charges, as well as ordinance breaches and disorderly persons citations. More serious indictable crimes may hold initial hearings in municipal court before being transferred to Atlantic County Superior Court in Mays Landing.
Court Location and Contact Information:
Hammonton Municipal Court
100 Central Ave
Hammonton, NJ 08037
Phone: 609-567-4300 ext. 3
Fax: 609-567-5090
Email: [email protected]
Municipal Court Judge: Frank J. Raso
Court Administrator: Crystal Czerwinski
Hours of Operation: Monday through – Friday 9:00 a.m. -– 4:30 p.m.
Why You Need a Good Attorney for Municipal Court
If you're facing minor charges at Buena Vista Regional Municipal Court, don't assume your penalties will be modest as well. Disorderly persons crimes can still result in jail time, fines, and a criminal record that may follow you for a long time. This outcome is far more likely if you attempt to represent yourself in court. Having an experienced criminal defense lawyer is your best bet for obtaining a better outcome. A good defense attorney with specific knowledge of New Jersey municipal courts will understand how to work with the court and prosecutors to have charges downgraded or dismissed, and/or for reduced sentencing. You may also be eligible for a diversionary program (e.g., Pre-Trial Intervention or Conditional Discharge) which could result in dismissed charges and a clean criminal record. If so, your attorney can facilitate your application to give you the best chance for acceptance.
Attorney Joseph D. Lento has extensive expertise representing clients in Buena Vista Regional Municipal Court. He can assist with all court-related concerns, including but not limited to:
- Traffic violations
- Harassment
- Simple assault
- Minor drug offenses
- Disorderly behavior
- Criminal mischief
- Petty theft
- Restraining orders
- Diversionary programs
- Indictable offenses like robbery and aggravated assault
If you are summoned to appear at Buena Vista Regional Municipal Court, the right attorney can improve your chances for a more favorable outcome. Call the Lento Law Firm at 888-535-3686 for help with your case today.