Criminal Defense Attorney in Delran Township, NJ
Facing a disorderly persons offense or ordinance violation at Delran Municipal Court? Having a good attorney in your corner can make greatly improve your chances of having the penalties reduced or the charges dismissed. Joseph D. Lento is a New Jersey criminal defense attorney with plenty of experience helping defendants in Delran Township and other communities who need skilled representation at municipal court. A good attorney can increase your chances for a favorable outcome in your case.
Delran Township, New Jersey
Located in northwest Burlington County, Delran Township derives its name from the confluence of the Delaware River and Rancocas Creek, the two bodies of water that touch its borders. Home to about 17,000 people, Delran Township offers a quiet suburban lifestyle with plenty of riverside views and an easy commute to downtown Philadelphia, PA.
About Delran Municipal Court
The Delran Municipal Court convenes in the Delran Township Municipal Building on Chester Avenue. All traffic tickets, moving violations, and disorderly persons offenses within the township are handled by this court, while more serious offenses are referred to Burlington County Superior Court in Mt. Holly for trial. During holidays and off-hours when Superior Court offices are closed, the municipal judge on-call can also issue emergency restraining orders as needed.
Delran Municipal Court Contact Info:
900 Chester Avenue
Delran, New Jersey 08075
Phone: 856-461-3888
Municipal Court Judge: Hon. Corey Ahart
Court Administrator: Colleen Perry
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
How the Lento Law Firm Can Help
Even if you're facing seemingly minor charges at Delran Municipal Court, convictions for disorderly persons offenses can still lead to jail time, fines, and a criminal record. Having a criminal defense lawyer with experience in New Jersey municipal courts gives you a better chance at avoiding these negative outcomes. An experienced attorney can negotiate with the court and prosecutors for reduced penalties or dismissal of the charges. Your attorney can also help you apply for any diversionary programs for which you might be qualified (like Pre-Trial Intervention or Conditional Discharge), which could help you avoid jail time and keep your criminal record clean.
Joseph D. Lento has many years of experience representing Delran Township Municipal Court defendants. He can provide effective counsel and representation in all court-related cases, including, but certainly not limited to:
- Moving violations
- Harassment
- Simple assault
- Disorderly behavior
- Drug offenses
- Criminal mischief
- Petty theft
- Indictable offenses like robbery and aggravated assault
If you are summoned to appear at Delran Municipal Court, hire a skilled defense attorney to improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Call the Lento Law Firm at 888-535-3686 for help with your case today.